The number of organic compounds known today is about four million .Thousands of new ones are being synthesised and described daily.The ezistenc of such a large number of compounds of carbon is made possible by the unique bonding characteristics of the element.The three exceptional properties of carbon atom are:
1)Strong carbon-carbon bonds:Carbon is tetracovalent.It can link with other carbon atoms by strong carbon-carbon bonds.Thus carbon atoms can join together into stable chains and rings.
2)Covalent bonds with other elements:Carbon atoms linked as above can further be linked to atoms of other elements such as hydrogen ,oxygen,nitrogen and halogen.
3)Multiple bonds:Double and triple bonds between carbon atoms,and between carbon and other atoms are easily formed.
These multiple covalent bonds permit the formation of a still greater number of organic structures.
1)Strong carbon-carbon bonds:Carbon is tetracovalent.It can link with other carbon atoms by strong carbon-carbon bonds.Thus carbon atoms can join together into stable chains and rings.
2)Covalent bonds with other elements:Carbon atoms linked as above can further be linked to atoms of other elements such as hydrogen ,oxygen,nitrogen and halogen.
3)Multiple bonds:Double and triple bonds between carbon atoms,and between carbon and other atoms are easily formed.
These multiple covalent bonds permit the formation of a still greater number of organic structures.
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